28 package sfutils;
30 /***
31 * An administrator of a <a href="http://sourceforge.net/">SourceForge</a>
32 * project.
33 *
34 * @author <a href="mailto:ljnelson94@alumni.amherst.edu">Laird Nelson</a>
35 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/07/12 16:13:24 $
36 * @since June 17, 2003
37 */
38 public class Administrator extends NamedObject {
40 /***
41 * This {@link Administrator}'s password. This field will never be
42 * <code>null</code> or equal to the empty {@link String}.
43 */
44 private String password;
46 /***
47 * Creates a new {@link Administrator} without a username or password. This
48 * new {@link Administrator} will be in an illegal state until both the
49 * username and password are set to non-<code>null</code> values that are not
50 * equal to the empty {@link String}.
51 *
52 * @see #setName(String)
53 * @see #setPassword(String)
54 */
55 public Administrator() {
56 super();
57 }
59 /***
60 * Creates a new {@link Administrator} with the supplied username and
61 * password. Neither the username nor the password may be <code>null</code>
62 * or equal to the empty {@link String}.
63 *
64 * @param name
65 * the username; must not be <code>null</code> or equal to the
66 * empty {@link String}
67 * @param password
68 * the password; must not be <code>null</code> or equal to the
69 * empty {@link String}
70 * @exception IllegalArgumentException
71 * if either <code>name</code> or <code>password</code> is
72 * <code>null</code> or equal to the empty {@link String}
73 */
74 public Administrator(final String name,
75 final String password)
76 throws IllegalArgumentException {
77 this();
78 this.setName(name);
79 this.setPassword(password);
80 }
82 /***
83 * Returns the username of this {@link Administrator}. If the username has
84 * not been previously set via the {@link #setName(String)} method, then this
85 * method will throw an {@link IllegalStateException}. This method will never
86 * return <code>null</code> or the empty {@link String}, and subclasses must
87 * honor this contract.
88 *
89 * @return the username of this {@link Administrator}; never
90 * <code>null</code> or the empty {@link String}
91 * @exception IllegalStateException
92 * if the {@link #setName(String)} method has not yet been
93 * called
94 * @see #setName(String)
95 */
96 public String getName() throws IllegalStateException {
97 final String name = super.getName();
98 if (name == null) {
99 throw new IllegalStateException("Set name first");
100 }
101 return name;
102 }
104 /***
105 * Sets the username of this {@link Administrator}. The supplied username
106 * must not be <code>null</code> or equal to the empty {@link String}, or an
107 * {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
108 *
109 * @param username
110 * the username; must not be <code>null</code> or equal to the
111 * empty {@link String}
112 * @exception IllegalArgumentException
113 * if <code>username</code> is <code>null</code> or equal to the
114 * empty {@link String}
115 */
116 public void setName(final String username)
117 throws IllegalArgumentException {
118 if (username == null || username.length() <= 0) {
119 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Username cannot be null or empty");
120 }
121 super.setName(username);
122 }
124 /***
125 * Returns the password of this {@link Administrator}. If the password has
126 * not been previously set via the {@link #setPassword(String)} method, then
127 * this method will throw an {@link IllegalStateException}. This method will
128 * never return <code>null</code> or the empty {@link String}, and subclasses
129 * must honor this contract.
130 *
131 * @return the password of this {@link Administrator}; never
132 * <code>null</code> or the empty {@link String}
133 * @exception IllegalStateException
134 * if the {@link #setPassword(String)} method has not yet been
135 * called
136 * @see #setPassword(String)
137 */
138 public String getPassword() throws IllegalStateException {
139 if (this.password == null) {
140 throw new IllegalStateException("Set password first");
141 }
142 return this.password;
143 }
145 /***
146 * Sets the password of this {@link Administrator}. The supplied password
147 * must not be <code>null</code> or equal to the empty {@link String}, or an
148 * {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
149 *
150 * @param password
151 * the password; must not be <code>null</code> or equal to the
152 * empty {@link String}
153 * @exception IllegalArgumentException
154 * if <code>password</code> is <code>null</code> or equal to the
155 * empty {@link String}
156 */
157 public void setPassword(final String password)
158 throws IllegalArgumentException {
159 if (password == null || password.length() <= 0) {
160 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Password cannot be null or empty");
161 }
162 this.password = password;
163 }
165 /***
166 * Returns a hashcode for this {@link Administrator} based off its {@linkplain
167 * #getName() username} and {@linkplain #getPassword() password}.
168 *
169 * @return a hashcode for this {@link Administrator}
170 */
171 public int hashCode() {
172 String userName = null;
173 try {
174 userName = this.getName();
175 } catch (final IllegalStateException ignore) {
176 userName = null;
177 }
178 String password = null;
179 try {
180 password = this.getPassword();
181 } catch (final IllegalStateException oops) {
182 password = null;
183 }
184 if (userName == null) {
185 if (password == null) {
186 return 0;
187 } else {
188 return password.hashCode();
189 }
190 } else if (password == null) {
191 return userName.hashCode();
192 } else {
193 final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(userName);
194 buffer.append(password);
195 return buffer.hashCode();
196 }
197 }
199 /***
200 * Tests the supplied {@link Object} to see if it is equal to this {@link
201 * Administrator}. An {@link Object} is equal to this {@link Administrator}
202 * if it is an instance of the {@link Administrator} class, its {@linkplain
203 * #getName() username} is equal to this {@link Administrator}'s {@linkplain
204 * #getName() username} and its {@linkplain #getPassword() password} is equal
205 * to this {@link Administrator}'s {@linkplain #getPassword() password}.
206 * {@link Administrator}s are, in other words, value objects.
207 *
208 * @param anObject
209 * the {@link Object} to test; may be <code>null</code>
210 * @return <code>true</code> if and only if the supplied {@link Object} is
211 * equal to this {@link Administrator}
212 */
213 public boolean equals(final Object anObject) {
214 if (anObject == this) {
215 return true;
216 } else if (anObject instanceof Administrator) {
217 final Administrator other = (Administrator)anObject;
221 String userName = null;
222 try {
223 userName = this.getName();
224 } catch (final IllegalStateException ignore) {
225 userName = null;
226 }
227 String otherUserName = null;
228 try {
229 otherUserName = other.getName();
230 } catch (final IllegalStateException ignore) {
231 otherUserName = null;
232 }
233 if (userName == null) {
234 if (otherUserName != null) {
235 return false;
236 }
237 } else if (!userName.equals(otherUserName)) {
238 return false;
239 }
242 String password = null;
243 try {
244 password = this.getPassword();
245 } catch (final IllegalStateException oops) {
246 password = null;
247 }
248 String otherPassword = null;
249 try {
250 otherPassword = other.getPassword();
251 } catch (final IllegalStateException oosp) {
252 otherPassword = null;
253 }
254 if (password == null) {
255 return otherPassword == null;
256 } else {
257 return password.equals(otherPassword);
258 }
260 } else {
261 return false;
262 }
263 }
265 /***
266 * Returns a {@link String} representation of this {@link Administrator}. The
267 * {@linkplain #getPassword() password} is not displayed. This method never
268 * returns <code>null</code>
269 *
270 * @return a {@link String} representation of this {@link Administrator};
271 * never <code>null</code>
272 */
273 public String toString() {
274 String userName = null;
275 try {
276 userName = this.getName();
277 } catch (final IllegalStateException ignore) {
278 userName = null;
279 }
280 final StringBuffer returnMe = new StringBuffer();
281 if (userName == null) {
282 returnMe.append("Unspecified Administrator");
283 } else {
284 returnMe.append(userName);
285 }
286 returnMe.append(" (password ");
287 String password = null;
288 try {
289 password = this.getPassword();
290 } catch (final IllegalStateException ignore) {
291 password = null;
292 }
293 if (password == null) {
294 returnMe.append("not ");
295 }
296 returnMe.append("set)");
297 return returnMe.toString();
298 }
300 }